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Bazzanella Literary Awards
The Bazzanella Literary Awards is one of Sacramento State's longest and most popular scholarship since its inception in 1981. Named after the late Dr. Dominic J. Bazzanella, an English professor and Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Letters, the awards encourage undergraduate and graduate students in the English Department to submit their work to highlight excellence across multiple mediums, including:
- Poetry
- Short Fiction
- Creative Non-Fiction
- Critical Analysis
Each year, the Bazzanella Committee invites four judges to read and select winners in each category. The annual writing competition celebrates its recepients with a special reception at Sac State, offers a scholarship for first and second place winning entries in each category, and pubilshes student writing in its booklet.
Submissions to the Bazzanella Literary Awards are accepted in February to early March of every Spring semester. Please see below for more information.
All questions regarding the Bazzanella Literary Awards can be directed to Dr. Rosa Martinez (, Associate Professor in the English Department and Chair of the Bazzanella Literary Awards.
Make a Gift
Your generosity helps us to provide this opportunity for our students in the English Department at Sacramento State. Please consider making a gift to help us continue supporting student writing through this unique and exciting scholarship.
On behalf of our students, the English Department thanks the many gifts offered to our scholarship and we would like to offer a special thank you to the entire Bazzanella family for their continued generosity and the inspiration they have gifted our students since 1981.
Call for 2025 Submissions
Sacramento State's Department of English invites its students to participate in its annual writing competition.
- Submissions are accepted from February 1 until March 3, 2025 by 11:59PM.
- Submissions will be accepted online only.
- Please submit your manuscript(s) to
- See below for Manuscript Guidlines.
All students currently enrolled at CSU Sacramento and an English major or minor during the Spring 2025 semester are eligible to enter. There is no minimum unit requirement, however, students cannot be auditing courses. Students must have a matriculated classified status of either undergraduate or graduate. The competition will be separated between undergraduate and graduate students and determined by their Spring 2025 class standing. Manuscripts must be original work by the author and must not have been published or have won a prize in a previous literary contest.
There are four categories and students (in their particular class standing) may enter more than one category but may submit only one entry in a single category. Here are the categories:
- Poetry
- Short Fiction
- Creative Non-Fiction
- Critical Analysis
There is a separate judge for each of the four categories. The judges are not members of the current Staff or Faculty of Sacramento State. The judges' decisions are final. Winners will be notified by phone the first week of April.
- First-Place Prizes in Each Category will be $200.
- Second-Place Prizes in Each Category will be $100.
- Winning Entries in Each Category will be Published in the Bazzanella Booklet and at the Bazzanella Literary Awards website.
- There will be an Awards Ceremony and Reception for the Winners and their Guests at the Engrained Restaurant at Sacramento State in early May 2025.
- Submissions will be accepted between February 1 until March 3, 2025 by 11:59PM.
- Students will submit three items with each entry:
- Item 1. Manuscript in a Single PDF and in a Separate Word Document (see above for information)
- Pages for each entry must be compiled in a Single PDF and also in a Separate Word Document.
- All manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, have 1" margins, use Times New Roman 12 pt. font, and must have a title on the top of the first page. If there is no title, please add [No Title] at the top of the first page. Please have all pages numbered. Do not include your name (anywhere) in the manuscript.
- Poetry may be single-spaced. Do not include a separate title page.
- Short Fiction category maximum number of words is 6000 (approx. 20 pages typed doubled-spaced).
- Critical Analysis and Creative Nonfiction categories are a maximum number is 5000 (approx. 16 pages typed double spaced), not counting bibliography and footnotes.
- *Manuscripts which exceed the maximum length will not be forwarded to the judges.
- *Please do not include your name at the top of the page of any submitted materials.
- The category identified as Critical Analysis is restricted to essays that analyze a work of art such as novels, poetry, essays, film, music, or some other aesthetic medium.
- Essays not analyzing an art work should be submitted under the Creative Nonfiction category.
- Students may submit only one poem in the Poetry category.
- Submissions of Prose Poetry and/or Flash Fiction may be entered in one category only.
- The Bazzanella Committee reserves the right to change an entry to a different category, which, in their opinion, has been submitted incorrectly.
- The Bazzanella Committee also reserves the right to not award prizes in every category.
- Item 2. Complete the Submission Form which should include the following (Separate PDF, download here):
- Title of Manuscript
- Category of Submission (Poetry; Short Fiction; Creative Non-Fiction; Critical Analysis)
- Are you a Graduate Student Or Undergraduate Student?
- Item 3. Complete the Contact Information in the Submission Form:
- Full Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail Address
- Student ID (MUST include in order for a check/prize to be awarded)
- Are you a Graduate Student Or Undergraduate Student?
- Title of Manuscript and Category
- AND the type of computer program used
- Please compile one email with each of the PDFs and also the Separate Word Document: Three (3) Total PDFs, Plus (1) Word Document.
- Please submit your entry to Include in the subject line of your email, "Bazzanella Literary Awards - First Name, Last Name, Category." For instance, "Bazzanella Literary Awards - Michael Flores, Poetry."
2024 Bazzanella Recipients
2024 Award Ceremony
A special thank you to Anita Scharf who teaches English at Sacramento State and owns Scharf Photography. Please enjoy the gallery of photos from the 2024 Bazzanella Literary Awards Celebration at the Engrained Café at the campus.2024 Bazzanella Literary Awards E-Book
The Bazzanella Literary Awards Booklet for Spring 2024 is printed and published by University Printing and the English Department at Sacramento State, in Sacramento, California.
- Editors: Brianna Renner and Dr. Rosa Martínez.
- Winners Selected for Editorial Input: Kelsey Morgan Scaife-Puckett and Daniel Alan Kemper.