Support Page Content
Safety Spotlight
Fall 2024
Industrial Hygienist, Janee’, and EH&S Specialist, Meysee, welcomed back researchers for the Fall semester at the 2024 Sponsored Programs Resource Fair! EH&S spent the day interacting with the campus community on safety programs and ways we all can work together to achieve safety in research!

Summer 2024
Summer brings about time near the water, where we welcomed family and friends out to our 2nd Annual EH&S Day at the Lake! We learned about water safety from our colleagues at the Sacramento State Aquatic Center, and spent an afternoon kayaking and adventuring Lake Natoma! This was followed by EH&S and Emergency Management testing out the Emergency Operations Center inflatable rafts on the American River! Have fun, and stay safe Hornet family!

Spring 2024
Earth Day Event
The EH&S and Emergency Management team were excited to participate in the 2024 Earth Day Event! We offered information about heat illness prevention, stormwater pollution, safety, and assisted with battery and E-Waste collection alongside our friends in Sustainability. We enjoyed a day of playing games giving goodies to our students and the Hornet community!
Winter 2023-24
The rainy season is upon us!
Our Environmental Specialist, Bob Hitomi, reminds everyone to take a moment and be mindful of what goes into the storm drain to help protect the environment. Don't put anything down the storm drain except stormwater.
Fall 2023
This Fall, Facilities Multi-craft team worked on addressing hazards on our walkways! Come and enjoy a leisurely stroll along our beautifully refurbished and safe paths.
Summer 2023
The EH&S Industrial Hygiene team assisted Facilities Management and the Chemistry Department with exposure monitoring.
While we miss having students around campus, the summer provides an opportunity for many campus projects to be completed.