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Admission Appeals
Appeal Process Overview
Admission appeals come in several potential forms.
- Appeal to file a late application
- Appeal of denial of admission for not meeting minimum requirements
- Appeal of admission withdrawal due to failure to adhere to university requirements
Students whose applications have been denied or withdrawn for any of these reasons have the right to appeal as outlined in Section 89030.7 of the California Education Code. It is the responsibility of the Office of Admission and Outreach to consider appeals for admission for undergraduate students who appeal admission for any of the above situations. This function is carried out by the Admissions Appeals Committee.
It is the expectation of the committee that appeals will be submitted by the student who is appealing the decision. If it is obvious to the committee that someone other than the student completed and submitted the appeal, the appeal will not be considered and returned to the submitter.
Admission staff will not discuss the status of an appeal with any person other than the prospective student unless the student has previously and individually given authorization in writing to discuss the students’ application decision.
All appeals must be submitted according to the stated requirements and within 15 days of notification of the admission decision or action. The Office of Admissions and Outreach reserves the right to deny an appeal solely on the basis that the appeal was not complete at the time of submission or not submitted within the specified timeframe for appeals.
Appeals do not include interviews, but questions may be directed to the Office of Admissions and Outreach by phone at 916-278-1000, Option 1 or by e-mail at
Notification of appeal decisions will be through the MySacState student center or by e-mail to the student’s personal e-mail address as provided on the application for admission. Decisions can be expected within four weeks of receipt of the appeal by the admissions office.
The student presenting an appeal is responsible for satisfying the standards and criteria provided in this document. All appeal requests will be reviewed thoroughly. All appeal requests are final and there are no additional levels of review. Only one appeal from a student per term will be considered.
If you have a Sac State ID, submit the following form:
Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)
If you do not have a Sac State ID, e-mail the following appeal form to or
The Office of Admissions Appeal Review Committee will review the appeal and determine whether to approve the appeal.
The appeal committee will base its decision on:
- Whether the university has space (capacity) to accept additional applications.
- The student’s local or non-local area status.
- Whether the student’s reason for the appeal is truly compelling
- Whether the circumstances that prevented the student from meeting the established admission requirements were out of the student’s control.
- The student’s likelihood for success at the university as demonstrated in the appeal packet. Considerations include:
- Participation in a college preparation program in high school or at a transfer institution.
- Grade point average and/or standardized test scores.
- Grade trends.
- Course Pattern. Exceptions are extremely rare for transfer students who lack the A-2 or B-4 requirements.
- Special talent or ability that enhances the educational experience of all students.
Late or Missed Application Deadline
Sacramento State expects all students to meet the CSU application deadlines. In some instances, appeals for submitting a late application may be approved. Approval to submit a late application does not imply that the student will be admitted, only that the application will be considered.
If you have a Sac State ID, submit the following form:
Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)
If you do not have a Sac State ID, e-mail the following appeal form to or
In appealing to be allowed to submit a late application, the student must submit a completed appeal form which includes:
- Reason for missing the deadline.
- The reason why the late application request should be considered.
- Major or program for which the student would like to apply.
- List of all courses in progress or planned.
- Unofficial or official college transcripts from all institutions where the student registered for courses at any time.
- Unofficial AP IB exam scores, if applicable.
First-year applicants must also include:
- Unofficial or official high school transcript(s).
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all of the above documentation is provided as part of the appeal packet. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete.
Denial of admission for not meeting minimum requirements
Our admission requirements are in place to ensure that students are prepared to be successful at the university level and it is expected that all admitted students will meet the minimum admission requirements. In rare circumstances, an exception to the admission requirements will be granted. Pursuing an appeal does not guarantee admission and exceptions are rare.
Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)
In appealing to have an admission denial decision reversed, students must submit a packet which includes a completed appeal form, along with a statement that addresses the reasons that the application should be reevaluated, particularly, what steps the student will take to ensure success as Sacramento State despite not meeting the admission requirements.
All appeals must also include:
- Unofficial or official college transcripts from all institutions where the student registered for courses at any time.
- List of all courses in progress or planned.
- Unofficial AP IB exam scores, if applicable.
First-year students must also include:
- Official or unofficial high school transcript through at least the end of the junior year.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all of the above documentation is provided as part of the appeal packet. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete. All appeals must be submitted within 15 days of notification of the admission decision or action.
Admission withdrawal
This appeal is for admission withdrawal due to failure to adhere to university deadlines.
Sacramento State expects all students to adhere to established deadlines related to the enrollment process. If deadlines are not met, the offer of admission may be withdrawn. In such instances, students may appeal for reinstatement.
Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)
Transfer students must submit official transcripts to validate the self-reported information upon which the admission decision was made. Failure to submit official transcripts will result in the withdrawal of the admission decision.
In appealing a withdrawal decision for not adhering to enrollment deadlines, students must submit a packet that includes a completed appeal form, along with a statement that addresses the reasons that the application should be reevaluated. This statement should include information about why the deadline was missed.
Appeals must also include:
- Any outstanding official college transcripts from all institutions where the student registered for courses at any time.
- Any outstanding official AP or IB exam scores if applicable.
- A list of any courses in progress or planned
First-year students must also include:
- Official or unofficial high school transcript through at least the end of the junior year.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all of the above documentation is provided as part of the appeal packet. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete. All appeals must be submitted within 15 days of notification of the admission decision or action.